National Transfer Student Week
Join transfers across the country, every October, to build transfer pride and community, challenge assumptions, build empathy, and educate the campus about the transfer experience at Cal Poly.
Save the date for NTSW 2024 - October 21-25
National Transfer Student Week (NTSW) events focus on:
- Building and supporting a transfer community
- Connecting transfer students to resources to support their academic success
#TransferStudentWeek #cpslotransfers #NTSW
2024 National Transfer Student Week schedule
Day |
Event 1 |
Event 2 |
Monday Oct. 21
11am – 1pm
6 - 8pm
Tuesday Oct. 22
11am-12:30pmA Conversation with First Gen Speaker: Alejandra Campoverdiat Chumash Auditorium in the University Union
Join Student Diversity and Belonging in Chumash Auditorium on Oct. 22 from 11a.m. - 12:30 p.m. for a discussion with Alejandra Campoverdi about her book, First Gen. A national bestseller, First Gen is the winner of the California Independent Booksellers Alliance Golden Poppy Martin Cruz Smith Award and was longlisted for the Outstanding Works of Literature Award for the First Year Experience. Previously, Alejandra served in the Obama White House as the first White House Deputy Director of Hispanic Media. She currently sits on the boards of the California Community Foundation and Harvard's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy.
Visit for more details and to RSVP! |
4pm-6pmPop-In and Meet Your Support Programson Centennial Lawn, hosted by EOP, TRIO, and Cal Poly Scholars
Grab some popcorn and connect with EOP, CP Scholars, TRIO, Students with Dependents, Off Campus Housing, CARE, Mustangs for Recovery, and Guardian Scholars! |
Wednesday Oct. 23
1:10pm-2pmLinkedIn Profile Review Workshopin Bldg 52 Rm E03, hosted by Career Services
Come meet with a Career Advisor to receive LinkedIn tips and advice for your profile!
5pm - 7pm
Thursday Oct. 24
11:10am-12pmTransfer Research PanelBuilding 10 Rm 226 or Zoom hosted by Office of Student Research
Light refreshments will be provided. Learn about doing research at Cal Poly as a transfer student. Panelists will share how they got involved in research, what they do, and their research is making a difference. |
3pm-4pmFood, Health and WellnessHealth Center Building 27 Rm 11, hosted by Campus Health & Wellbeing
Grab some food and learn about Campus Health & Wellbeing services and get a tour the food pantry!
Friday Oct. 25
9:00am– 10:30am
2:30pm - afternoon
This week aligns with the National Transfer Student Week hosted by the National Institute for Transfer Students! We love getting to celebrate the transfer student experience with campuses across the country.
Past National Transfer Student Week Schedules
NTSW 2023
2023 NTSW schedule
Day |
Event 1 |
Event 2 |
Monday Oct. 16
11am – 1pm
6 - 8pm
Tuesday Oct. 17
11:10am - 12:30pm
5 - 6:30pm
Wednesday Oct. 18
2 - 3pm
5 - 7pm
Thursday Oct. 19
12:30 – 1:30pm
1:30 - 3:30pm
Friday Oct. 20
9 – 10:30am
2:30pm - afternoon
NTSW 2022
2022 NTSW schedule
2022 National Transfer Student Week poster & NTSW 2022 Zoom Background
Watch the 2022 NTSW recap video!
Day |
Event 1 |
Event 2 |
Monday Oct. 17
11am – 1pm
6 - 8pm
Tuesday Oct. 18
Transfer Research Opportunities11:10 – 12pm Transfer Student Research Panel at Building 186, Room C200 hosted by Dr. Kelly Bennion, BEACoN Research Mentors
12:10-1pm (with pizza) How to Find & Apply to Student Research as a Transfer Students, at Building 186, Room C200 hosted by Dr. Jane Lehr, Office of Student Research
both also available on zoom |
2 – 5pm
Wednesday Oct. 19
Noon – 1:00pm
3 - 4pm
Thursday Oct. 20
9:30 - 11:30am
4 - 6pm
Friday Oct. 21
9 – 10:30am
NTSW 2021
2021 NTSW schedule
Download the NTSW 2021 poster or the NTSW 2021 zoom background!
Watch the 2021 NTSW recap video!
Day |
Event 1 |
Event 2 |
Event 3 |
Monday Oct. 18
Celebrate Transfers |
11am – 1pm
2:30 - 4:30pm |
5 – 7pm |
Tuesday Oct 19
Academic Opportunities |
10:10 - 11am
2:10 - 3pm |
4:10 - 5pm
Wednesday Oct. 20
Transfer Thriving |
11:30am – 1:00pm |
3 – 5pm
5:30 – 7:30pm |
Thursday Oct. 21
Academic & Career Support |
11:00am – 1pm
Stop by for a grab-n-go lunch from Slo Provisions and visit with staff from the Library, DRC, Career Services, and the Writing and Learning Center to learn about the various ways they can help you reach your academic goals. |
1:10 – 2pm |
2 – 3pm
CAED - Bldg 5 Rm210 CAFES - Bldg 74M-A Rm A102 CENG - In front of Bldg 40 CLA - Breezeway outside Bldg 47 Rm22B CSM - Breezeway between Bldg 33 & 53 OCOB - Breezeway outside Bldg 3 Rm100 |
Friday Oct. 22
Transfer Stories |
9 – 10:30am
Register today (registration open until event starts) |
11:10am – Noon |
2 – 3:30pm |
NTSW 2020
This was the first year NTSW was hosted by the Transfer Center since it opened in early 2020.
2020 National Transfer Student Week Events
Transfers can pick up their swag bags (while supplies last) at the Rec Center Ticket Office at the following times: MW 9am-12pm and TR 1-4pm, or until it's gone! If you are not in SLO, fill out this form to receive some swag via mail!

Kick-Off Event
2pm Monday, October 19
Instagram Live - @cpslotransfers
Kick-off National Transfer Student Week as we Celebrate Transfers - check out our Instagram Story.
Transfer Dialogue
4pm Monday, October 9
Instagram Live - @cpslotransfers
Join our transfer student assistant Francisco and the Association of Transfer Students to talk about fall quarter, your transfer experience, and connect with other transfers!

Cal Poly Student Research Panel
1pm Tuesday, October 20
Hear from current students about how they have gotten involved in various research opportunities during their time at Cal Poly. Hosted by the Office of Student Research.
How to Apply to Research Opportunities
2pm Tuesday, October 20
Learn how to get involved in research opportunities during your time at Cal Poly! This informational workshop is on how to make connections and apply for on- and off-campus research experience Hosted by the Office of Student Research.
Game & Trivia Night
7pm Tuesday, October 20
Looking to meet other transfer students? Join us in playing trivia and other fun games, all while connecting with peers. This will be the perfect opportunity to destress from classes and build community. Hosted by Cal Poly Scholars & the Association of Transfer Students.

"I Am Cal Poly"
3:30pm Wednesday, October 21
# I Am Cal Poly engages the campus in conversations about the meaning of unique and intersecting identities through a collection of photos and personal narratives. Hosted by Student Diversity and Belonging.
Transfer Cook Off
6pm Wednesday, October 21
Connect with transfers, cook food, share laughter and have fun! Hosted by PolyReps, Cal Poly's Official Campus Ambassadors.

Navigating Your Job or Internship Search During Uncertain Times
11am Thursday, October 22 Passcode: 486314
Navigating Your Job or Internship Search during Uncertain Times for Transfer Students - VIRTUAL WORKSHOP Looking for a job or internship? This workshop will cover the primary strategies and tools used to conduct an effective internship or job search. Hosted by Career Services.
Transfer Panel
5:30pm Thursday, October 22
Join us to hear from transfer students about their stories and experiences!

Academic Advising
12pm Friday, October 23
Join the 6 College's Academic & Career Advisors to connect and learn how you can set yourself up for success for the rest of the quarter and winter!
NTSW 2019
2019 National Transfer Student Week Events
Hosted by Cal Poly Academic Advising, Career Services, and the Association of Transfer Students in fall 2019 after funding had been created to open a Transfer Center. Thank you to these campus partners for coming together to host NTSW before there was an official opening of the Transfer Center.

Bowling Bonanza
Monday, October 21
5-7 pm
Mustang Lanes
Family friendly bowling held at the Mustang Lanes on campus. Free games and pizza!

Taco-bout Your Transfer Experience
Tuesday, October 22
11 am - 1 pm
baker lawn
(between baker and bldg 52)
Come enjoy tacos and share your transfer experience. You will have an opportunity to get insight and provide input on potential services from the new Transfer Center opening soon!

Get the Scoop
Wednesday, October 23
3:30 - 5:30 pm
uu 220
Come 'chill' with your peers, academic advisors, and career counselors and have some free ice cream!

Navigating Your Job or Internship Search
Thursday, October 24
11 am - Noon
Bldg 124 - room 117
Plan on looking for a job or internship? We'll cover the foundation of what goes into a successful search, including how to find and get opportunities. Light refreshments provided.

Transfer Association
Mix & Mingle
Friday, October 25
11 am -1 pm
Dexter Patio
(Bldg 34, around the corner from Subway)
Join the Cal Poly Association of Transfer Students and the advising community to meet fellow transfer students. Food and games will be provided!
NTSW 2018
2018 National Transfer Student Week Events
Proposed, planned and implemented by the Transfer Conversation Committee (with leadership by academic advisors Sabrina Canady, Carly Head, Rachel Johnson, and Meghan Schuler-Jones). Thank you to this group for coming together to request funding for bringing National Transfer Student Week to Cal Poly.

Bowling Bonanza
Monday, October 15
Mustang Lanes
Social event held at Mustang Lanes on campus and hosted by the Association of Transfer Students.

Donuts with Your Advisors
Tuesday, October 16
Students stop by their College Advising Center to identify location, ask quick questions, and meet and greet with Academic and Faculty Advisors.

Transfer Professional Panel
Wednesday, October 17
Career insight and advise will be given regarding internships, benefits of soliciting research opportunities, and current trends in industry. Additionally, transfer students will be able to connect with alumni and campus services that initiate career preparation.

Transfers Helping Transfers
Thursday, October 18
Faculty/Staff/Students will share their perspective regarding the transition to Cal Poly and provide suggestions for building a supportive community. Reflective practice will be implemented for participants to consider current experiences and goals/dreams during their time at Cal Poly.

Transfer Association
Mix & Mingle
Friday, October 19
Join the Cal Poly Association of Transfer Students and the advising community to meet fellow transfer students.