The Transfer Center is here to help you navigate personal, academic, and professional success while you are at Cal Poly.
Resources and Support for Transfer Academic Success
"Cal Poly has so much to offer and being a transfer sometimes you don't know about everything that is offered, so don't be afraid to reach out, learn about, and utilize resources." - CP Transfer Alum who was on Transfer Student Advisory Council and an Association of Transfer Students board member
Tutoring and Transfer Academic Coaching
Tutoring offered by the Writing and Learning Center- free tutors for most classes! If you don't see a tutor for a class you need support in, reach out to the tutoring coordinators and they will find you a tutor/provide support.
The Transfer Academic Coaching, in partnership with the Transfer Center and Cal Poly Scholars, is pleased to support transfer students through one-to-one peer coaching sessions.
Academic Coaching is a growing learning support program for all Cal Poly students. If you are not a transfer student and would like to engage in academic coaching, please email for assistance.
Academic Advising
Colleges provide academic advising for Transfer Students.
Learn about where your college advising center is and how to connect with them!
All prospective and conditionally admitted transfer students (those who are admitted but have not received their transfer credit evaluations) should direct questions to first time new transfers will connect with their advisor is during SLO Days in August - until then they do not have enough information (they are waiting on your matriculated courses) to support you.
For general transfer academic advising questions check out the transfer advising website.
“My advisors really wanted to help me succeed!” - Recent CP Transfer Graduate
Click on your college for information regarding different majors, suggested classes for your first fall quarter, and resources and support available for transfers within their college.
- College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences
- College of Architecture and Environmental Design
- College of Engineering
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Science and Mathematics
- Orfalea College of Business
Learn about the change of major process and explore degree flowcharts and curriculum sheets (some colleges have transfer specific flowcharts on the websites linked above).
Imposter Syndrome - Normalizing and Overcoming It
Connecting with Faculty
Office Hours
Reasons to attend:
- Clarify and ask questions about course content: You can get help with class material by asking your professor to explain it differently or walk through it again with you. You can also ask questions about the text or lecture content.
- Review exams or papers: You can ask about what went wrong, what went well, and how to improve on the next paper or exam.
- Study strategies and assignment/project preparedness: Some subjects have specific strategies that that work better for that particular course. You can also discuss strategies and your professor’s expectations on assignments and projects.
- Discussing grades: Office hours can be an appropriate place to discuss or ask questions about your grade in a class.
Emailing Professors
Emailing professors can be an effective way to reach out to your professor but there are times where the topic(s) at hand are more appropriate for an in-person or Zoom meeting.
Topics that may be appropriate for email:
- Clarification on dates and deadliness
- Clarification on an assignment details/requirements
- To schedule a meeting or a time outside of office hours if the times listed on the syllabus don’t work for you
- Responding to an email from your professor that awaits a response
Topics that may be better for an in-person or Zoom appointment:
- Discussing your grade
- Going over an exam or paper
- In-depth questions about course content or their research
- Questions pertaining to practice problems
Tips for e-mailing professors:
- Use your Cal Poly email address. Use your other email address for non-school related matters.
- Use the subject line. Make It concise and related to the topic you want to discuss. Check your syllabus because some professors may require certain information in the subject line such as the course name and section (e.g., “BMED 440: Question about lecture #4”).
- Start professionally: Avoid being too casual (e.g., “Hey Professor”). A good way to start would be something along the lines of, “Dear Professor Doe.” This would be the safe way to address a faculty member if don’t know if they have a PhD or not.
- Be concise: Be clear, organized, and brief in your email.
- Capitalize, punctuate, and check your spelling: Incorrect spelling or lack of punctuation may create misunderstanding or miscommunication. Also, professionalism is important in an academic setting to convey that you are a serious student.
- Acknowledge any and all replies: Be sure to acknowledge with a thank you in your response.
- Don’t expect an immediate response: Twenty-four hours is the standard wait time during the business week.
Research is a great way to get involved with your major and can bolster your resume. Look into current research opportunities in your department and talk to your professors about it. Learn about your faculty member’s research and email them to set up a time to ask questions and how to get involved.
- LinkedIn is a great way to connect with Cal Poly faculty members, students, and alumni. You never know when a connection can help you land a job or internship!
- Networking Events: Keep an eye out for networking events where you may get a chance to talk to and network with your peers, faculty members, and alumni. Getting to know your professors better in an event outside of class may help with letters of recommendation in the future.
Navigating the Quarter System
For many transfer students, the quarter system is a new concept and can be intimidating for how fast paced and rigorous it may seem. Don’t worry! We are here to help.
What is the quarter system?
- Cal Poly's academic calendar consists of four quarters - Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring (for specific dates, see Academic Calendar).
- Cal Poly's academic year consists of Fall, Winter and Spring quarters.
- The university year includes, and begins with, Summer Quarter.
- Each course offered by the University carries a value in quarter units, often referred to simply as units or credits.
Converting Units
To convert semester units to quarter units, multiply the number of semester units by 1.5.
To convert quarter units to semester units, multiply the number of quarter units by .667.
How to be successful on the quarter system?
“Do not procrastinate! The quarter system is a lot faster and it completely hinders you if you fall behind.” - Recent CP Transfer Graduate
Advice for transfers about their transition to Cal Poly.
“Connect with your teachers, don't be afraid to ask questions and above all else, office hours are your friend.” - Current CP Transfer Student
Sign up to meet with a Transfer Academic Coach ›
Transition Tips for Fellow Transfers!
Strategizing for Schoolwork - Preparing for Midterms, Papers, and more
Preparing for midterms and any other exams/quizzes can be stressful and overwhelming. At any given time of the quarter, you’ll find yourself having several assignments that you’re working on as well as 2-3 weeks away from an exam given the short nature of the quarter system. Trying to figure out how to allocate time to assignments that are due, studying for your exams, and managing any other personal responsibilities are the aspects that we hope to assist you with in this document.
Prioritizing principle to help us strategize and manage our time and effort:
- Identify: Identify what's most important and urgent. Utilize due dates as a criterion for this as well as the assignment/project scale.
- Avoid: Avoid multitasking if possible. Research has linked multitasking to worse performance.
- Consider: Consider effort. You may want to take care of tasks that require little time first to avoid a long to-do list. Clearing these small tasks first will provide some alleviation and sense of accomplishment. This can help you in avoiding procrastination and being effective with your effort. More information regarding procrastination.
- Utilize: Utilize a to-do list and calendar application that incorporates the previously mentioned elements. There are many forms of calendars, whether they are physical planners or electronic calendars. More information regarding time management schedules and more information regarding the importance of an electronic calendar.
Setting Up Your Strategy:
- Begin by listing all your current courses and thinking of them as “bins”. In each bin, list each assignment that is due for each respective course and any exams. This will give you a “bird’s eye view” of all the assignments and exams you have in front of you.
- Example:
HIST 101 CPE 202 PHYS 141 MATH 143 - Discussion Board #1
- Discussion Board #2
- Essay #1
- Project #1
- Quiz #1
- Problem Set #1
- Problem Set #1
- Exam #1
- Example:
- Next, identify and list the assignments that require the most urgency. Utilize the assignment’s due dates and scale to help you with this.
- Example:
- Discussion Board #1 (Due Jan 1)
- Problem Set #1 [Phys 141] (Due Jan 3)
- Problem Set #1 [Math 143] (Due Jan 4)
- Discussion Board #2 (Due Jan 5)
- Quiz #1 (Due Jan 6)
- Exam #1 (Due Jan 7)
- Example:
- Next, you’ll want to go ahead and set up a to do list for the next week or two incorporating assignments/study time to allocate for each day of the week. Doing so will grant you a sense of direction within the long list of assignments and an overall sense of structure. You’ll want to avoid multitasking and work on finishing an assignment one at a time. Consider effort when setting up your to do list and try to focus on clearing assignments that take little effort first to get some sense of accomplishment. Your to-do list may look something like this:
- Example
WEEK 1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday - Study for Exam #1 - Discussion Board #1
- Problem Set #1 [PHYS 141]
- Problem Set #1 [PHYS 141]
- Problem Set #1 [MATH 143]
- Discussion Board #2
- Study for Quiz #1
Quiz #1 takes place
- Study for Exam #1
Exam #1 takes place
- Example
- Finally, utilize a calendar tool of some sort to incorporate your 1-2 week plan into. Some electronic calendar services you may consider are Microsoft’s Outlook application or Google’s Google Calendar application. Check out more resources for time management and scheduling.
Now that you have set up a strategy for your schoolwork, you may still feel like you need some help with aspects such as concentration, memorization, managing stress, and test anxiety and panic. Information regarding such aspects can be found in the Study Strategies Library provided by the Cal Poly Academic Skills Center.
- “Getting Focused”
- “Memorization”
- “Stress Management”
- “Test Anxiety”
- “Test Panic Tips”
- Other Academic Resources
Time Management Tips and Tricks
The quarter system can be a tough transition for a lot of transfers. As a transfer you are usually entering your major specific courses (which are hard enough as it is) and now having to complete these classes at an increased rate can be overwhelming at times. There is not a sure-fire way to fully prepare yourself for the rigor you might feel on the quarter system but there are ways in which you can alleviate the stress that may come with the transition:
Highly recommend to start using a planner. Whether this is a physical planner or digital one (Outlook, Google, etc.), utilizing a planner will help provide a tangible and physical representation of your upcoming tasks. Cal Poly automatically provides an Outlook account when you become student. Beyond just emails, outlook provides a calendar system allowing you to keep track of all important dates in one location.
An online calendar system also allows you to:
- Create multiple schedules all in one location (Work, Classes, Homework, etc.)
- Check availability of other’s schedules (Students, Professors, etc.)
- Set reminders to finish a task or upcoming events
- Effectively create an organized system to provide a foundation for time management skills
Check out this video highlighting the different aspects of what all Outlooks calendar provides!
Setting a goal can be easy. But having the drive or the dedication to complete it is an entirely different beast. That is why it is essential to start implementing SMART Goals into your planning routine! What is a smart goal? The premise of a SMART Goal is to fully flesh out a goal you have with realistic expectations as well as a time line on how to achieve it. The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. An example can be found below:
Basic goal | SMART goal |
I want to read more | I am going to read 1 book a moth by reading for an hour during lunch and an hour before bed for a total of 12 books a year |
Utilizing smart goals allows you to effectively plan out your quarter as well as other aspects of your life!
If interested in the science behind setting, assessing and pursuing goals, check out this podcast from Dr. Andrew Huberman who is a tenured professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford.
Pomodoro Technique
Now laying out your weekly plan may be one thing, but committing to the plan and having your study sessions be effective and efficient can be a whole other hurdle to get over. That is why utilization of the Pomodoro technique can be a great baseline to find what works best for you. The Pomodoro technique has been proven to be a much more effective studying technique than just trying to grind out everything all at once.
Pomodoro Technique | ||||
1. Decide on the task you need to do | 2. Set a timer for 25min | 3. Work on task until your timer stops | 4. Take a short 5min break | 5. After 4 cycles, take a 15 - 30min break. |
The technique is described by those five easy steps indicated to the right. It is essentially composed of a 25/5 minute cycles of on/off studying. Now sometimes taking a break 25 minutes into your work may interrupt your concentration, so ratios of the techniques can be used such as 50/10 but don’t increase the times too much as it would defeat the purpose of keeping your mind fresh. Of course thee is no copy and paste technique that is perfect for every individual so use this technique as a baseline.
Academic Polices and Tools
Academic and Campus Policies
If you have any questions about these policies reach out to your College Advising center.
- Academic Petition Appeals - looking to appeal a grade, your request to change your major, a course substitution, etc.
- Add / Drop Classes
- Academic Probation
- Change of Major - process varies by college
- Cheating and Plagiarism
- Copyright Infringement and File Sharing - the university's polices and steps taken if a student is suspected of copyright infringement and file sharing
- Credit/No Credit Grading
- "Take advantage of CR/NC if you can!! I had NO idea that was an option. I could have done minor courses, upper div GE, and saved myself some stress. Talk with your college academic advisor to explore this option!" - Lindsay Lacey, Academic Advisor who is a transfer student who graduated from Cal Poly
- eLearning - learn more about the university's online learning policies
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) - how your personal and academic information is protected by the university
- General Education (GE) at Cal Poly
- Grade Forgiveness - if you repeat a course in which you earned a grade lower than a C
- Graduation Writing Requirement (GWR)
- Intellectual Property - rights to, interest in, and protection and transfer of intellectual property created by University faculty, staff and students
- Leave of Absence
- Policies on the Rights of Individuals - the rights of all individuals, including those who hold underrepresented identities and those who have experienced harassment or misconduct.
- Prerequisite of a C- - if you are wanting to advance to the next course in a sequence - varies by department
- Repeating Courses
- Senior Projects
- Student Academic Rights and Responsibilities
- Transfer Credits
- USCP Requirement
- Use and Release of Student Information
- Withdrawal Information
For more academic and university policies, please visit the Academic Policies webpage (Links to an external site) for more detailed information and other policies.
Academic Probation Support
Being placed on academic probation or academic disqualification status can feel overwhelming or upsetting. Academic Advisors are here to support you and assist you in devising strategies to get back on track and become a Cal Poly graduate.
Academic Probation Support - this is a great website with additional resources and information about academic probation.
The Transfer Academic Success Program (TASP)is designed to support transfer students who are placed on Academic Probation (AP) during their first year at Cal Poly.TASP assists transfer students on academic probation by providing dedicated support, enhancing self-efficacy, and facilitating the utilization of academic resources.
TASP is coordinated by the Transfer Center in partnership with the Office of Writing & Learning and the all 6 college academic advising centers. Students will be placed in a Canvas shell for TASP.
We understand that there are many factors that may lead to academic difficulty during your first or second quarter at Cal Poly. Our goal with this program is to provide you with the skills, resources, and support that you need to move toward success in future quarters.
Students in the Transfer Academic Success Program, will complete the following pieces:
- Watch the Transfer Academic Success Program and Academic Probation introduction video.
- Complete the Resource Self-assessment and Academic Success Plan.
- Schedule 1:1 with Transfer Academic Coach to review success plan, form resource connections, and ask questions.
- Meet with their college advisor. College dependent - may also meet with their faculty advisor.
- Complete end of quarter reflection.
Transfers in their 2nd or beyond at Cal Poly who are on Academic Probation will work with their college to complete any necessary advising requirements (this depends on the college).
Change of Major
Incoming transfer students must finish one academic quarter BEFORE starting the change of major process.
Things You Should Know about Changing Your Major:
- Changing your major is a multi-step process.
- Eligibility criteria is specialized to each major.
- Students are expected to research their options and make a well-informed decision before inquiring to change their major.
- There is not a guarantee that you will be able to change your major.
Learn more about the Change of Major process - This includes information about the mandatory change of major workshop students must attend to better understand the change of major process.
Transfer Class Registration Workshops
Incoming transfer students will learn about the transfer registration process during SLO Days. We also encourage them to check out this key website: Incoming Transfer Timeline and Overview for Registration
During Fall Quarter the Transfer Center in partnership with the 6 college advising centers offers 50- minute workshops on the class registration process.
Class Registration Workshop covers how to navigate the registrations process at Cal Poly. From dates and deadlines, to navigating the systems, and figuring out what you have credit for and what to register for.
Workshops are offered both via zoom and in-person during week 5 of winter and spring quarters.
How to Use Your Cal Poly Portal and Registering for Classes
The Cal Poly Portal is where you find everything from class registration and financial aid, to approving your timesheet if you work on campus. If you have questions about your portal before the first day of school you should work with the Admissions office.
- How to read your Degree Progress Report (DPR) - This tool shows you which courses you have credit for related to the required curriculum for your major.
- How to find your Curriculum Sheet - Search by your catalog year (you can find your catalog year in your PolyProfile within your Academic Tabs in your Cal Poly Portal) to understand all the requirements for your major.
- How to use Schedule Builder - This tool is how you register for classes.
- How to use Degree Planner - This tool is not ideal for transfers, we recommend that you meet with your advisor to plan out your degree.
Getting Involved on Campus
“Get involved and challenge yourself to make Cal Poly your new home. It is hard at the beginning to figure out where everything is because it takes time. But make the effort early on so you can feel more at home.” — Current CP transfer student
Check out these affinity spaces to find other students and staff with similar identities to yourself!
- Black Academic Excellence Center - for Black and African American students to gain resources, community and support.
- Center for Military Connected Students - for veterans or students who have family in the military to gain support and resources.
- Disability Resource Center - for students with physical and non-physical disabilities to acquire support and community.
- Dream Center - for undocumented or DACAmented students to seek support and gain community.
- Gender Equity Center - for students of all marginalized genders, inclusive of all those who are womxn, feminine-of-center, trans, and nonbinary.
- International Center - for international student advising and a space to meet other international students.
- La Casa, The Latinx Center -
- Men and Masculinities - for students to express ideas and expressions of masculinities through programming and community.
- Multicultural Center - for students of historically underrepresented groups to build community and express their multicultural identities.
- Native & Indigenous Cultural Center - for students to (re)connect to the traditions and cultures of Native American and Indigenous peoples
- Pride Center - for students of all gender identities, sexualities and expressions.
- SAFER - for students who are interested in, or identify with, the response to and prevention of gender- and power-based violence.
Career, Leadership and Service
Interested in building your resume or gaining new skills? Check out these departments and resources!
- Associated Students Incorporated - ASI is home to Cal Poly's Student Government which offers great leadership opportunities.
- Career Services - Meet with a Career Counselor, get resume feedback, practice interviewing and attend the annual Career Fair to get a head start on job searching!
- Center for Leadership - Earn a leadership certificate and participate in campus-wide leadership opportunities to boost your skills and resume.
- Center for Service in Action - Participate in community service within the SLO community and beyond!
- Inter Housing Council - Expand your skills and experience by getting involved in Residential Student Government.
- New Student and Transition Programs - Give back and enhance the Orientation experience by providing your insight and knowledge with newly admitted students.
- Peer Health Educators - Help educate our campus community by providing workshops on physical, mental and sexual health.
Many transfer students feel as though getting involved with research and building relationships with faculty can be hard to do with such little time at Cal Poly. Here are some tips on how to get started in the world of research.
Do your research before you research.
- Prior to getting accepted or during your first quarter at Cal Poly, look up faculty and decide which ones best fit with your personal and professional interests.
Plan ahead and stay organized.
- Visit a department or meet with a faculty member when you first get to Cal Poly. By being proactive and talking with a faculty member, you have more time to explore your options and get involved in various research projects.
- Check out Kennedy Library's research guides website for detailed information on research resources available to all Cal Poly students.
For more detailed information about research opportunities
- Consider being a part of BEACoN research projects
- The Office of University Diversity and Inclusion is excited to have a research component. BEACoN exists to educate and empower underrepresented students and advocate for them as they aspire to successfully complete their Cal Poly education.
- Research projects will last winter and spring quarters. During the 2019 - 2020 academic year students were selected and received $1,500 per quarter for 100 hours of work.
- Check out Cal Poly’s Research Databases website
- This website walks you through the process of finding research opportunities and outlines the different types of research that is available to students. You might also check out Cal Poly’s Faculty Research Interests website to identify which faculty in your department are working on research that would interest you.
Student Clubs and Organizations
Here are some additional spaces to find your community and gain skills and experience that will support your journey at Cal Poly and beyond!
Clubs and Organizations - Find one of the 350+ clubs that align with your interests in or outside the classroom.
The Association of Transfer Students is a Cal Poly club designed to help transfer students make their transition to Cal Poly as fun and easy as possible!
Check out the ATS linktree for information about their events and meetings and follow them on Instagram @calpoly_ats
- Fraternity and Sorority Life - Build a community and gain skills and experience by joining a fraternity or sorority.
- If you are involved in Cal Poly Scholars, Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), or TRIO we encourage you to engage in the programs and opportunities they have for students (both their transfer specific programs and their programs for all students within the program).
Supports and Services
"Emergency Housing & Meal Voucher Programs - they saved my life :) I hope people take advantage of all the resources that are available to them". - CP Transfer Alum and former Transfer Center staff member
Basic Needs
Transitioning into a new environment can come with a lot of stress. We do not want any student to feel they do not have access to housing, food, and other essential resources needed to be able to focus on being a student and healthy human.
Basic Needs Support - Cal Poly’s Basic Needs Programs (formerly CP Essentials) seeks to ensure that all students have access to the resources needed to focus on education and success at Cal Poly.
Food Resources and Support - The free Food Pantry on campus open to ALL students no questions asked. Meal Voucher program you can apply to for on campus dining dollars. Support with applying for CalFresh and more!
Professional Clothing Closet - free business/interview clothing for students to keep.
Financial Aid and Support and Student Employment
Financial Aid
Financial Aid - Please note, the Transfer Center does not have access to your aid package. All Financial Aid questions should be directed to their office.
- Types of Aid - Each students' circumstances are different, make sure you understand what type of aid you qualify for.
- Cal Poly has $50,000 in several different transfer-specific annual scholarships. Students do not apply for individual scholarships, they submit one scholarship application and the software system we have pulls their information into all scholarships for which students meet specific criteria. Make sure you fill out the general scholarship application in your portal so you can be considered for transfer specific scholarships!
- Outside Scholarships are not awarded by the government or Cal Poly and are funded through a private sector company, philanthropist or foundation. Many Cal Poly students receive outside scholarships. Learn more about outside scholarships.
Student Employment Opportunities
Federal Work-Study (FWS)
A program subsidized by the federal government that provides part-time job opportunities for students who have need-based financial aid eligibility.
Powered by Handshake, MustangJOBS is Cal Poly's online job listing service. Over 25,000 on-campus, local part-time jobs, internships, and career positions are made available annually!
The majority of student serving and affinity spaces above also offer student employment options so be sure to look for them on MustangJobs or stop by their spaces to learn about opportunities for employment as some of them may not post the job on Handshake.
Many Cal Poly students also get jobs within SLO county at grocery stores, restaurants, shops, and more.
Graduation and Commencement
As a transfer student you are on a fast track to graduation.
Learn more about commencement ceremonies!
To make your transition to Cal Poly easier, here are some steps to take to ensure you are on the right track to graduation.
Graduation terms are posted by the Registrar’s Office once a student’s Actual Academic Progress reaches 72%. The student’s graduation term will be posted according to the following formula:
- Quarter you started Cal Poly + 2 years OR current quarter plus 3 quarters, whichever is longer
- Transfer students in 5-year programs will have graduation terms posed as: quarter you started Cal Poly + 3 years.
If you should need to change your graduation term, you can request a form to change to an earlier graduation term or extend your graduation.
More information on the Graduation Process can be found at:
Step 1:
Check the Cal Poly Office of the Registrar Website for the current quarterly calendars and the other resources such as the schedule of classes, course descriptions, and FAQ.
- Transfer students will be given an expected graduation term that is three years after their initial admit term, or one year away, whichever is greater.
Step 2:
Sit down with your departmental advisor every quarter to make sure you are on track for graduation.
- It is even more important to sit down with an academic advisor if you are in your last year at Cal Poly – you should do this early, preferably the first quarter of your last year. For more information on academic advising options, click here.
Step 3:
Keep track of your academic progress throughout the year by referencing your Degree Progress Report (DPR) through your Poly Profile.
- The DPR outlines all the units you have fulfilled so far (including units transferred, CSU units finished, and major/minor units) and details what units you still need to fulfill before graduation.
- The Registrar’s website also offers each quarterly calendar for all important dates and timelines (e.g. final exam schedules) so that you can stay up to date on all the important deadlines and events.
Housing and Transportation
On-Campus Housing
On Campus Housing - limited options and beds available for transfers.
"I would definitely recommend living on campus for your first year. It is a little more difficult finding community as a transfer student, so the people you live with are opportunities to make really great friends. Cal Poly does a great job in having you room with fellow transfers." - Sage Hurt, Business Major concentrating in finance transfer student
Dining programs - for on- and off-campus students
Off-Campus Housing
For students looking to live off campus, we recommend visiting Housing's Off-Campus Housing website for detailed information on various resources and steps you can take to secure housing off campus. This webpage includes low-income housing options, too!
“Loved living off campus! It helped me to be a member of the SLO community and not just Cal Poly. Loved being off campus but still within walking distance.” - Recent CP Transfer Graduate
You might also consider checking out listings on Zillow or Craigslist or joining the Cal Poly (CP) Housing, Sublets and Roommates Facebook page. You will need a valid Cal Poly email to join as it is a secure page. Many listings are posted throughout the school year and annual contracts become available every summer!
Watch "Finding Off-Campus Housing" video
Commuting and Parking Information
"As a commuter student, it was really important for me to find study spots here I could spend those 2-3 hours (or more) in between my classes to study and do work, because driving 30 minutes home between classes wasn't really an option. I found that I do well outside with relative seclusion- I highly recommend the Cal Poly Arboretum. It's a bit of a walk, but it's so worth it. I also enjoyed the benches down in between the ARCH building (bldg. 5) and the Cotchett Education building (bldg. 2)." - CP Transfer Graduate
- Commuting options - Your Cal Poly ID allows you to ride the SLO City bus for free.
- Parking - general information for commuter and non-commuter students
- Permit options - for commuter and non-commuter students
- Transportation guide - learn about various resources to help you get around SLO
Identity Centers and Resources
No two students are the same. Every student has their own unique journey and their needs differ depending on their experiences. Students are encouraged to explore the Cultural Resources available to all Cal Poly students.
Resources for students of non-traditional backgrounds:
- First Generation Students
- Ombuds Services
- The Office of Student Ombuds Services is a campus resource for all Cal Poly students. The office offers a safe place to go for assistance in resolving any university related issue, concern, conflict, or complaint. All communications with the office are strictly confidential, informal, impartial, and independent.
- Resource Guides for students created by admissions
- Students with Dependents and Student Who Are Parents
- A Guide to Help You Thrive at Cal Poly
- Watch this short video about a transfer student with dependents experience
- Email with questions, concerns, or for support
- Students with Disabilities
- Undocumented Students
- Veteran Affairs Educational Benefits
Affinity spaces for students:
EOP, TRiO, and Cal Poly Scholars
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
The primary goals of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) are to improve the access, retention and graduation of students who have been historically, economically and/or educationally disadvantaged. The core of our program services are built upon a student-centered model which encourages college success, community building, and empowerment.
TRiO Achivers
TRIO Achievers program, also known as Student Support Services (SSS), is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education and has been a part of Cal Poly services to students since 1984. TRiO provides assistance to at least 258 active students every year including academic advising, tutoring, career information, help with financial aid concerns, workshops, and help understanding academic policies and procedures and many more! To participate in the program, students must meet eligibility guidelines that are based on household income, parent's education, or student disability.
Cal Poly Scholars
The Cal Poly Scholars program seeks to support and retain high-achieving students from California schools, who come from low-income backgrounds, by providing financial, academic, and community resources. As a university-wide program, the Cal Poly Scholars program brings together a network of services including the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships, Mustang Success Center, all six academic colleges, Career Services, University Housing, Student Academic Services, and other campus collaborators.
Additional Opportunities
"Career services really helped me improve my resume and feel confident and prepared for when I enter my field after graduation." - Current CP Transfer Student
Career and Grad School
Cal Poly Career Services
- Set up an appointment with a career counselor
- Each college has specific career counselors who provide more specific support based on your area of study.
- Explore some of Career Service's resources:
- Career Connections - Network with Cal Poly Alumni!
- "I signed up to have a career mentor through Career Connections and my career coach is amazing and so helpful!" - Kat Ribovich, Business Administration transfer student
- Cal Poly’s annual Career Fair and Events offers students with the opportunity to meet face to face with employers, learn about potential jobs and internships, and be considered for same-day or next day interviews.
- Clothing Closet
- Resource Toolkit - Gain tools for various aspects of job searching.
- Career Connections - Network with Cal Poly Alumni!
Continue your education!
- Interested in becoming a teacher? Check out this great website that outlines the transfer student teacher pathway!
- Cal Poly offers many different graduate programs which you can find on the Cal Poly Graduate Education website. If you are interested in programs outside of Cal Poly, talk with your department to ask about potential opportunities within your desired field at other universities.
Post Graduation Service Opportunities
Checkout the Americorps Program, the domestic PeaceCorps that provides a huge array of services to those in need, as an option to consider for after graduation.
Internships and Job Searching
Looking for internship opportunities? Check out the various links to spark some ideas on your internship search
Where to look:
- Career Services
- Search Strategies
- Video Resources
- Other places to look for opportunities
- MustangJobs/Handshake
- Apply for micro-internships
- Micro-Internships are short-term, paid, professional assignments
- Micro-internships can place students year-round
- Range from 5 to 40 hours of work
- Network at career fairs
- Engage in clubs/organizations at Cal Poly
- Reach out to your professors!
Need to spice up your resume and prepare for the dreaded interview questions, well do not fret because career services is here to help. Check out this RESOURCE TOOLKIT containing:
- Resume templates specific to your major
- Mock interviews/ Interview tips
- Fellowships
- And much much more!
Couldn't secure an internship? There are other ways to ensure you continue to better yourself! There are a ton of free online courses available online. Here are just a few:
- Cal Poly Learning Hub
- Cal Poly Digital Projects Lab
- - Access 2000 free online courses from 140 leading institutions worldwide!
- OpenCourseWare - Free MIT courses!
Volunteer Opportunities can also be a fantastic way to home in on those leadership skills:
Center for Service in Action - The Center for Service in Action Leadership Team (CSALT) provides the opportunity for students to act as vital members of the community, share their resources with others and develop skills and leadership abilities while creating meaningful social change.
Study Abroad
The International Center is devoted to making study abroad accessible to all students, including transfer students. We want to dismantle the assumption that studying abroad as a transfer student is impossible by providing you with information about how to fit study abroad into your budget and academic plan.
Planning for Study Abroad
- Review the first three steps for study abroad planning on the Cal Poly Abroad website.
- Check out Study Abroad resources for Transfer Students, BIPOC Students, Students with Disabilities, LGBTQIA+ Students, Student Athletes, DACA Students, and First Generation College Students.
- Consult the Cal Poly Catalog regarding your college's academic residence requirements for graduation (i.e., 28 of the last 40 units must be taken in residence).
Domestic and International Program Options
There are hundreds of Cal Poly approved study abroad programs in over 75 countries. Explore the wide range of options available to students at and review available program types:
In Cal Poly Global Programs, students travel abroad with Cal Poly students and faculty, taking Cal Poly coursework in another country. Students pay Cal Poly tuition.
With CSU International Programs (CSUIP), students pay the base CSU tuition, which is lower than Cal Poly tuition, and earn Cal Poly credit.
International Exchanges offer major coursework at partner universities around the world, allowing students to enroll in the exchange university’s regular courses while paying tuition and fees to Cal Poly.
The National Student Exchange (NSE) facilitates exchanges at member universities throughout the US, US territories, and Canada. Students earn transfer credit in major, minor, or GE areas while paying either Cal Poly tuition or the in-state tuition rate of a member campus. NSE maintains a list of DACA friendly member institutions.
Many of our affiliated partners offer short-term programs that are easy to fit in over the summer and are more cost effective. Students looking for more professional development can intern abroad through an Internship Program with one of our partners. Internships are typically unpaid but equip students with professional international experience, a highly valuable skill in the workforce.
Time of year is important:
While Cal Poly Global Programs run on Cal Poly’s quarter system, most other study abroad programs run on semester calendars
Fall Programs
Most Fall programs align with Cal Poly’s quarter system, so studying abroad in the fall is a popular time for all students to study abroad.
Winter Programs
When studying abroad with a Winter program, students will be abroad for Winter quarter and return upon the beginning of Spring Quarter. Winter quarter options are available through Cal Poly Global Programs and some of affiliated partners like Wildlands Studies and CIEE's Open Campus Block
Spring Programs
Spring Semester programs are a great cost-effective option for students looking to go abroad. During a Spring Semester Program, students will be abroad both Winter and Spring quarters at Cal Poly while only paying the cost of a Semester abroad. There are also some Spring quarter programs through Cal Poly Global Programs and affiliated partners like Wildlands Studies and CIEE’s Open Campus Block.
Summer Programs
Summer Programs are a great option for students who are looking to get ahead on credits and not limit their time at Cal Poly. Summer programs are often shorter than other programs and are a popular option for transfer students.
Joining Cal Poly
All prospective students, students working on their application, or students who have been admitted but have not accepted must direct their questions or concerns to Admissions.
Admitted Student Information
Congratulations on being accepted to Cal Poly!
We are excited to have you joining our Mustang community.
Make sure you are completing your check-lists and staying up to date with next steps. Check out the accepted transfer students on the Cal Poly Admissions website but you will need to manage everything through your My Cal Poly Portal (the site you log into with your Cal Poly email to access financial aid, classes, etc.)
Cal Poly Admissions will refer to you as new transfers, messaging you may read for first year students is directed towards first time first year in college students.
Confused about being conditionally admitted? The Admissions Terms and Agreement for Transfer Students overviews what you need to do to be set to come to Cal Poly in the fall (like passing your spring classes, submitting your official transcripts and more). Watch admissions helpful YouTube video on this topic
Cal Poly's Orientation is composed of 3 parts - SLO Days (August) and WOW (September) are require and Open House (Thursday - Sunday in April) is optional.
Learn more about transfer SLO Days ›
Learn more about registering for classes ›
“WOW is an amazing experience, it opens up networking opportunities and builds lasting friendships, with people you might not meet otherwise.” - Current CP Transfer Student
For international transfer students make sure to check out the International Center's orientation options and their great website that provides support for transitioning into Cal Poly as a new International Student
Registering for Fall Classes - Check out the full registration timeline and steps to registration!
- Submit your final transcript no later than July 15th
- You will need to submit final transcript(s) from all colleges/universities you have attended.
- Some students may need to submit other documents and will be notified accordingly. Any official AP or IB exams transfer students wish to receive college credit for should also be submitted by this date.
- Transfer credit processing (matriculation) will take some time, but you'll be notified when your credits have been evaluated - this process will be complete sometime in August before SLO Days. Learn more about transfer credit from the Office of the Registrar.
- If courses you thought would matriculate do not, you will be able to work with an advisor to evaluate if you should fill out a course substitution form for additional review and possible credit at that time.
- You will need to submit final transcript(s) from all colleges/universities you have attended.
- Cal Poly is unable to provide advising, consultation on courses to take, or discussion about course articulation for students until AFTER they have committed, submitted their final transcript(s) from all colleges/universities attended, and been matriculated by the Office for the Registrar.
- Incoming transfer registration happens AFTER transfer SLO Days. Transfers register for their own classes (this is unlike freshman who get a block schedule). Seats are held in classes for transfer students.
Interested in joining Cal Poly Honors? Take time to learn about the honors program and if it is something you are interested in email - - and share with them why you think you would be a good fit for honors.
Prospective Student Information
If you have taken any college-level classes since the summer beyond your high school graduation, you are considered a transfer student. Applicants applying as a transfer student should be a college junior with 60 or more transferable semester units or 90 quarter units by the time of transfer. Cal Poly only accepts transfer applications in fall for the following fall quarter.
Admissions Information
The Transfer Center is not involved in the admissions process.
The Cal Poly Admissions Office provides all the information needed to apply to Cal Poly. All prospective student questions are to be directed through Admissions contact options.
Please note that Cal Poly is unable to provide one-on-one transfer advising or transcript evaluation for students who are considering applying to Cal Poly.
Helpful sites to check out are:
- Applicants Page
- Selection Criteria - Prospective transfer students considering applying to Cal Poly should use the Cal Poly transfer selection criteria for guidance on which college courses to take to be competitive for the major they apply.
- Associate Degree for Transfer
- Major Specific Criteria
- If a course on Cal Poly's transfer selection criteria for your major is unavailable at your local community college, you can search for articulating online college course options at other California college via
- Transfer Credit Evaluations
- Official transcripts are required for Cal Poly to matriculate courses you have taken to determine which one's you will be given credit for - as noted above, we cannot provide that before then.
- - is an articulation tool for those transferring from a California Community College
- We encourage you to talk with a transfer or academic advisor at your community college about the transfer process and utilize the Cal Poly transfer selection criteria for course planning because the assist tool can be hard to navigate.
- International Transfer Admissions Information
- Check out the International Students and Scholars site for information about coming to Cal Poly as an F-1 student. You can also reach out directly to with questions.
Financial Aid
If you are seeking support, do not see a resource listed, or want more information?
- Email us -
- Stop by the Transfer Center in Bldg 52 RmE30!
- Connect with a transfer academic coach! They are current transfer student who wants to support transfer students to be academically and personally successful. Meetings are free Schedule an appointment with an academic coaches today.
Related Content
Transfer Center
Bldg 52 Rm E30
Academic Year Hours
Mon. - Thurs. 9am - 6pm
Fri. 9am - 1pm
Academic Links
- Your College Advising Center
- Transfer Academic Coaching
- Curriculum & Flowcharts
- Registration Process
- Modalities of Instruction
- Registration and Enrollment Calendar
- Schedule Builder Tutorial
- Cal Poly Lingo & Terms
- Credit/No Credit Terms
- Kennedy Library | Your College Librarian
- Leaves | Time Off | Withdrawls
- Repeating a Course