
Transfer Center
Bldg 52 Rm E30

Academic Year Hours
Mon. - Thurs. 9am - 6pm
Fri. 9am - 1pm

7 transfers smiling  Cal Poly student in cap and gown with son    transfer staff helping a student

The Transfer Center is here to help you navigate personal, academic, and professional success while you are at Cal Poly.

Resources and Support for Transfer Academic Success

"Cal Poly has so much to offer and being a transfer sometimes you don't know about everything that is offered, so don't be afraid to reach out, learn about, and utilize resources." - CP Transfer Alum who was on Transfer Student Advisory Council and an Association of Transfer Students board member

Academic Polices and Tools

Getting Involved on Campus

“Get involved and challenge yourself to make Cal Poly your new home. It is hard at the beginning to figure out where everything is because it takes time. But make the effort early on so you can feel more at home.” — Current CP transfer student

Supports and Services

"Emergency Housing & Meal Voucher Programs - they saved my life :) I hope people take advantage of all the resources that are available to them". - CP Transfer Alum and former Transfer Center staff member

Additional Opportunities 

"Career services really helped me improve my resume and feel confident and prepared for when I enter my field after graduation." - Current CP Transfer Student

Joining Cal Poly

All prospective students, students working on their application, or students who have been admitted but have not accepted must direct their questions or concerns to Admissions


If you are seeking support, do not see a resource listed, or want more information? 

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